What Conditions Qualify for Medical Marijuana Card in Virginia (2025)

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How Many Medical Conditions Qualify for Medical Marijuana Treatment in Virginia?

The Virginia medical cannabis program does not list specific qualifying medical conditions. Qualified state-licensed medical practitioners can determine which medical conditions qualify their patients for marijuana treatment.

Qualifying Conditions for Medical Card in Virginia 2025

Virginia does not have a list of qualifying medical conditions for its medical marijuana card. According to Section 54.1-3408.3 of the Code of Virginia, any board-licensed practitioner in the state can recommend cannabis for their patient if they determine that their debilitating condition can benefit from cannabis treatment.

Does Virginia Add New Qualifying Conditions to its Medical Marijuana Program?

No. Virginia does not have a list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana. Therefore, there is no reason to add new qualifying conditions to its medical cannabis program.

Does Virginia Allow Physicians to Recommend Medical Cannabis for Non Qualifying Conditions?

In Virginia, there are no qualifying conditions for medical marijuana treatment. Therefore, licensed healthcare practitioners can recommend medical cannabis for any disease or condition they deem debilitating.

Do You Need a Doctor’s Recommendation for Medical Marijuana in Virginia?

Yes. A Virginia-licensed medical practitioner must issue a written certification to an eligible patient for the use of cannabis products in order to relieve the symptoms of a diagnosed disease or treat a medical condition. The healthcare practitioners that can recommend or certify patients for medical cannabis are Doctors of Medicine and Osteopathy and physician assistants who are licensed by the Board of Medicine, or a nurse practitioner who is licensed by the Board of Medicine as well as the Board of Nursing.

Who Qualifies for a Medical Marijuana Card in Virginia?

In Virginia, medical marijuana registration cards are optional. Eligible patients can purchase medical cannabis products with their written certifications and government-issued IDs. However, in order to receive physical medical marijuana cards, patients must register with the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority (VCCA). Parents or legal guardians of minors applying for medical marijuana cards in Virginia are also required to register with the VCCA.

In addition to getting a practitioner’s recommendation for medical cannabis, you must be a resident to apply for a physical MMJ card in Virginia. The state also requires an applicant to:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Have a valid government ID

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