Take Action on Cannabis Legislation in Virginia

Here are the bills that are currently being considered by Virginia legislators.

To support or oppose a certain bill, contact the original sponsors of the bill and your local representatives, to tell them your opinions.

Session Bill Number Document Key Issue Bill Name Sponsored By Contact Sponsor
2025 Regular Session HB1989 DETAILS This bill modifies the medical cannabis program in Virginia by updating product labeling requirements and delivery regulations. Medical cannabis program; product labels; delivery Alex Askew (D) Alex Askew
2025 Regular Session HB2485 DETAILS This bill establishes a comprehensive framework for creating a regulated retail marijuana market in Virginia. Cannabis control; establishes framework for creating retail market Paul Krizek (D) Paul Krizek
2025 Regular Session HB2613 DETAILS This bill modifies several sections of Virginia law to clarify that a person's legal possession or consumption of authorized substances (such as those permitted under alcohol or cannabis laws) shall not automatically be grounds for determining child abuse, neglect, or restricting child custody or visitation. Child abuse and neglect; custody and visitation, possession or consumption of authorized substances Nadarius Clark (D) Nadarius Clark
2025 Regular Session SB970 DETAILS Establishes a framework for the creation of a retail marijuana market in the Commonwealth, to be administered by the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority. The bill allows the Authority to begin issuing all marijuana licenses on September 1, 2025, but provides that no retail sales may occur prior to May 1, 2026. Cannabis control; retail market; penalties Aaron Rouse (D), Lashrecse Aird (D), Jennifer Carroll Foy (D) Aaron Rouse, Lashrecse Aird, Jennifer Carroll Foy